Energy Camp is a four-day action-packed adventure for eighth-graders. Energy Camp helps develop leadership skills and promotes teamwork while teaching about cooperative enterprises, the rural electrification program and electrical safety. Each year, REC sponsors eight students to go to camp (valued at $500 per student), which will be held at the end of May at Canyon Camp, near Hinton, Okla. While Energy Camp offers many traditional summer camp activities like swimming, hiking and basketball, students also have the unique opportunity to climb a utility pole, ride in a bucket truck and learn about electric cooperatives. They will take home a new-found confidence and a host of new friends from all over Oklahoma.
THE CONTEST. The Energy Camp competition consist of writing an essay of no less than 250 words on a topic provided by the Cooperative.
PRESENTATION TOPIC. Explain how electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed to Rural Electric Cooperative members.
- Be currently enrolled in the eight grade
- Write an essay (without the use of A.I.) of no less than 250 on topic provided.
- Essay must be typed and double-spaced on 8 1/2" X 11" paper
- Complete the entry form.
- No name should appear on the essay, but must be included on the entry form along with school name, teacher's name and contact information.